Looking to bring needed supplies and provide funding and hands and feet to prepare a meal for a needy community
Thanks for the info. Something I learned several years ago when I became good friends with a few of the workers at my hotel. You give a modest monetary suggestion. We give way more than that. May I share this information?
Thanks for the info. Something I learned several years ago when I became good friends with a few of the workers at my hotel. You give a modest monetary suggestion. We give way more than that. May I share this information?
Question re suggested tipping at breakfast ($2), lunch ($2) and dinner ($5): is this for the waiter who brings beverages and clean the tables or is it for the cook at the cooking station ?
Yes to all of the above, however I just bring 200- 300 singles for 10 days and make sure I go home with no singles!!!
I did the math on this and it would appear you are suggesting a couple should be tipping about $1,000 a week...in addition to the $4,000 they pay for room and airfare to get there? Is that correct?
I could definitely see this happening. We got locked out of our safety box which was weird to begin with, an employee came up with a key and got in right away. Perhaps we need to start traveling with our own lock boxes? Mini cameras are a good idea.
What is the company that has the 2300 00 for a completely private trip to Saona island. I want to see it I can put together group of 10 people in June. Please let me know.